By Guest on Thursday, 26 November 2020
Category: Blog

Pet Do’s and Dont’s: Tips for a Safe Holiday Season from a Veterinarian in Auburn

The holiday season is all about spending time with your loved ones - including your furry family members. It’s a time of gratitude and celebration, and in most homes, it’s a time when “normal” routines and diets are tossed aside in favor of enjoying the season to its fullest. 

While people can handle the disruptions and chaos of the holiday season with relative ease, though, it can be a bit more difficult for your pet to adjust. Keeping your favorite fur baby safe is as important now as it is at any other time of the year, and it’s important to make sure they remain healthy and happy throughout the holidays. Keep reading to discover some helpful do’s and don’ts from a trusted veterinarian in Auburn

DO: Offer Up Safe Holiday Treats 

It’s the season of giving, so it’s only natural to want to share special meals with your pet. Giving your dog a full plate of turkey and all the trimmings when they’re used to eating kibble could be a recipe for disaster, though. Dogs and cats can get sick from many of the foods we love, including garlic, onions, fats, and sweets, but that doesn’t mean they have to miss out on all the fun. If you’d like to share a holiday meal with your pet, offer up a small portion of safe holiday favorites, like plain turkey (without bones or skin), mashed potatoes, or healthy veggies like green beans, sweet potatoes, or carrots.  

DON’T: Forget to Clean Up Properly

Just because the meal is over doesn’t mean your pet can’t get themself in trouble. When cleaning up, be mindful of what you’re putting in your trash can. Even the most well-behaved pets sometimes can’t avoid the temptation to pull yummy-smelling scraps out of the garbage. Keep your companion safe by ensuring that post-meal trash is tied up securely and stored out of reach until garbage day rolls around.

DO: Make Sure Your Guests Know the Rules 

If you are hosting guests this holiday season, make sure they know your pet’s rules. Is your cat not allowed to venture outside no matter how much she begs? Does your dog need to be taken out on a leash so he doesn’t run away? Is your pet not allowed to eat certain foods due to allergies? These are all things your house guests should know. 

DON’T: Put Up Unsafe Decorations

Decorating is one of the most fun parts of the holiday season. If you’re not careful, though, your decor could lead to your pet needing treatment from a veterinarian in Auburn. String, tinsel, ribbons, and hooks are dangerous if ingested, and broken glass ornaments can cause serious injuries. Keep in mind, too, that some traditional holiday plants - including poinsettias, mistletoe, and holly, are toxic to pets. Do yourself - and your pet - a huge favor by keeping safety in mind when decorating

DO: Give Your Pet Some Space

The holidays can be stressful for even the most outgoing pets. Make sure your pet has a safe, quiet place where they can escape from the hustle and bustle of holiday gatherings and enjoy some downtime. If your pet exhibits signs of stress, place them in a quiet room away from people and other animals. Leave them with one of their favorite toys, their bed or blanket, and/or a shirt with your scent on it. 

DON’T: Leave Cords Exposed

Some dogs and cats just can’t resist the temptation to chew or play with electrical cords and wires. To prevent shock and electrocution, invest in covers for all exposed wires. As an alternative, securely tape all cords and wires to the wall or floor to discourage your pet from chewing or playing. 

DO: Know When to Contact a Veterinarian in Auburn

If your pet is feeling under the weather or behaving strangely this holiday season, schedule an appointment with a veterinarian in Auburn right away. With the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, it can be easy to overlook your pet’s health or put seemingly minor problems on the back burner. The sooner you bring them in, though, the easier it will likely be to treat the problem. 

At Forest Hill Veterinary Hospital, we provide a complete range of services for dogs and cats. Whether your pet has an upset stomach after eating something they shouldn’t, needs help dealing with the stress of the holiday season, or is just due for a checkup, we are here to help. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!